December 7 Be Still

The clutter in our home overwhelmed me today. I found myself in a pile of papers, schoolbooks, and forms this morning. Sitting on the floor I sorted, filed, and recycled. Attacking the mess took a lot of effort since I would rather straighten up the pile rather than do something with it. I've asked the Lord to help me this Advent to do things that are hard in my life and I know this is one of them. Dealing with the messes. Physical ones are easier, heart messes more difficult.

As I continue to think about Mary's journey I am wondering today how she felt. Lonely, I'm sure. I wonder if there was a friend in her life who though it seemed implausible, chose to believe what Mary told her. Did she have a friend walk her through the days of pregnancy? I am sure that there were moments of overwhelming emotion. Perhaps days. Thinking about this puts her visit to Elizabeth her cousin into better perspective. Here was a woman who, too understood the miracles of God. Elizabeth was that friend. They could look into each other's eyes and while they didn't understand the mystery, knew what it felt like to be chosen by God to fulfill an important mission. 
What did Mary do during her pregnancy to be ready to be mother to the Son of God? Life didn't
have the complexities of baby prep that we have these days. She didn't even have to pick his name. It had already been chosen by the Father, Jesus, the Son of God. So how did she spend her time? I know I make life more complicated simply by the choices I make.

Psalm 37:7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. The Jews knew the injustices of Roman rule; they felt the pain of being the minority under a wicked ruler. The hope of Messiah kept them going. Now Mary was carrying the One who would save the people. I wonder what her prayers were like in those days. Nothing like that had ever happened before until now. He was here. 

And He is here now. Tempted by my to-do list tonight I am choosing stillness. Waiting. Listening. Needing patience in my waiting. Psalm 46:10 is plastered above my desk and I cling to it tonight. 
Be still and know that I am God. I'm sure Mary found comfort in that fact. 


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