People watching
There's nothing like international travel to make you realize just how small the world is. With a quick few hour flight I can almost anywhere in Asia. Sitting in the airport this afternoon, I am struck by the emptiness in my fellow passengers' eyes. Each with some sort of gadget (myself included), sitting with their luggage tucked between their legs, sipping a coffee (myself included), and watching the clock. Each person has their own story, of where they came from and where they are going. As a child of God I have a choice daily when I interact with people to just go about my business, or to make a concerted effort to love each person that He brings my way. I may not know what I am supposed to say or do, but as I step out in faith, He will give me all that I need to be His hands and feet. I don't take every opportunity the Lord gives me. I so long to though. But I too have my own agenda, my schedule, many times, I just can't be bothered. I have received so much from H...