Sunny Days

The sun is out and the sky is blue. The birds chirp and trees are beginning to bud. From the outside, it looks like it's going to be splendid day. Why does weather, namely sunshine or the lack thereof affect my mood so much? Sunday was a gloomy day in our home. The sky was grey and there was little light coming into our apartment. I tried to cheer everyone up but I ended up lying on the couch with little energy. It was just one of those lazy days.

But sunshine or no sunshine, life goes on and must go on. I must still follow the Lord with the same resolve that I have on sunny days. I must still keep my eyes and ears attentive to the Spirit's voice, and I must let Him be my source of joy and strength.

Sunday's flurry of emotions was a reminder to me of my own weaknesses that I am still growing through and of my need to be tender to His correction and teaching. Sunny days are a gift from the Lord, and yet cloudy, rainy days are gifts as well. I must learn to seek Him still in the clouds and in the storms of life. It's easy to recount His blessings and goodness when things are good. It's so much harder when the sky is black and the clouds are many. Practicing rehearsing His goodness daily is a good habit to have. "Hasn't God been so good to us?" "Let's speak of how much the Lord has done for us!" These must be the words that fill my home even on gloomy days. They must be said in response to the grace and mercy we receive from Him every day.
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! There is much to thank Him for.


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