Help, I'm a parent of a teen!

I really am not old enough for this. I really don't know what I'm doing. I told my son just this afternoon, that I've never had a 13 year old son before! This is all new to me. And because it's new, I might make some mistakes. Actually, the truth is, I make mistakes anyways teen or no teen.

When I was pregnant with my oldest, my mom gave me this passage. Deuteronomy 6:6 "And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." "These words" refer to the command God gives in the previous verse, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and with all your might." We've tried to do that. My husband and I. We've tried to do that with our kids around mealtimes, brushing teeth, before bed. As parents, we plant those seeds of His Word and pray, pray, pray that they will bear fruit in our childrens' lives.

My son is 13 now, and we're in a different place. Instead of being the ones just talking about the Lord around the table, he is entering into the conversation. He's sharing from his personal journey with the Lord. He told us the other day that God was speaking to him through His Word, and through the songs he was singing. He was in wonder that God would speak to him in that way. My mommy heart rejoices when I hear that. But then there are times when I wonder if he even gets it. Does he know that the world out there is an evil one? Does he know that the enemy of our souls, is out to destroy?

We're trying not to let this be only conversation one-sided. We know we have to be patient and listen. We have to wait until he's ready to talk. We can no longer just tell him what to do. He's a compliant teen but I know there are times in his heart that he doesn't agree with his daddy and I. This afternoon as I spoke something rather offhandedly to him, the Lord prompted me to apologize. I took that moment and we sat down to talk. It was a "divine parent moment" as I like to call it. It came out that he doesn't feel like we always trust him. My husband wisely affirmed that we do trust him, but that we don't trust what's out there. Out there, in the world. Where the enemy prowls seeking whom he can destroy. (I Peter5:8)

He's my first teen, and I have 3 others following closely behind. I am asking my 6 year old if he can hold off growing up for a bit. I do like having a little one in the house. Playmobile, legos, and snuggling up on the couch is so much easier when they're small. But I need to enter into this new season I'm in as a parent of a teen. Hugging a kid that is bigger than me does take getting used to. I want to be sensitive to those moments that God gives us and enter into these teen years with joy and anticipation of what Father will do in the life of my precious son.


  1. Stop feeding them veggies... that is my motto! No more growing up alowed!!! :)


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