A Picture of His Glory

I started reading Ezekial this past week. I love how the introduction to Ezekial is so short. Like introductions here in Asia, it begins with where he's from and his family. But then it moves quickly into a vision of God's glory. From there it goes to chapter 2 where Ezekial receives his calling from the Lord to be a prophet to the nation of Israel in captivity. For Ezekial to respond to this hard calling (for it truly was hard!) he had to have first seen the glory of God. I'm sure that vision continued to serve as a reminder for him in the following days in the difficult times that would ensue. God repeats himself in chapter 2 and 3 over and over, reminding Ezekial not to be discouraged by the "looks of the people of their response to his words" for more importantly these responses and words were to God, not to Ezekial.

It was like God was preempting Ezekial's response, He knew it was going to be hard. God is God and He could have just called Ezekial and just told him to buck up and just go. But God, knowing the depths of each of our hearts, knowing what is hard for each of us, addressed that several times in both chapter 2 and 3. It's as if God was saying, I know it's going to be hard for you. You will be looked at, not only funny, but people will be angry with you. They will not receive what I am going to give you to say. But in chapter 3, God tells Ezekial that He's going to give him the same stubborness, but of a different kind. It will be a spiritual tenacity that will help him weather the looks, the words, the responses.

The words popped off the page this morning. Don't worry. Jenn, silly girl. You worry to much about people. Their responses. Their looks. Their words. Lord, I need a renewed vision of Your Glory! I think if I remembered that more, I would be less scared, bothered, intimidated...... 

Heard a sermon last week by Piper from 1998. It was his call to mssns, to the unrched, to those who's never heard. His main passage was Matthew 28. We've been given the authority, the authority of heaven, to go to the nations. This was the same authority that God had given Ezekial those many years before. This same authority has been given to us today. I know that. But sometimes, too often, I forget.

Two nights ago my neighbor, whose husband suddenly passed away a couple months ago, came up to see us. I had spent the afternoon with her, the day he had passed. I didn't have any words, really didn't know the cultural rules on funerals, grieving, but I do know that pain is pain and it's awful. I sat with her and her daughter as they blankly stared at his picture sitting on their coffee table. I asked if I could pr with them, and for them. They agreed and we held hands and cried out to G. They don't know Him yet, but in that moment of pain and grief, the Lord gave me a picture of a Gentle Shepherd. The other night she shared with me that my pr had a profound impact on her. As she cried and processed more, I asked if I could pr with her again. We asked that God would make Himself known to her, show her a glimpse of your glory, Lord.

When I remember who you are, I'm more bold, courageous, encouraged to do what is hard. Don't worry about people's responses, daughter, I sense the Lord speaking thse words again to me. I'm hard of learning, in rehab, God's people-pleasing-recovery program. When I see who You are though, in Your Glory and Greatness,  I see less of me. Boy, that's where I want to live, Lord.


  1. I love the thought that God gave Ezekiel exactly what he needed BEFORE ...preempting... he needed it. Thank you for sharing from your journey. Wish you were having a cup 'o in my living room.
    Or, me in yours...

  2. Wonderful post!!


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