Learning to retreat

Took a spiritual retreat today. My sweet husband took over the homeschooling for the day. I left the house before the kids got up, just long enough to write out assignments for the older ones and to lay out books for our youngest. I ran out as fast as I could seeing that I am highly distractable and a pile of dishes soon could be beckoning me home. I went to my parents home which is empty for the day. They're returning from a trip this evening so it worked out. After brewing that important first cup of coffee I sat down on the couch with my pile of books, my Bible and my journal. I began as I always do. Writing out blessings, things for which I'm so thankful for. Johanna's 6 teeth that were successfully pulled Elijah's 2 teeth that were yanked out yesterday- thankful he's not too mad at us! For a day to rest and quiet down, to reflect and to pray That I'm an extrovert and a day retreat will energize me for the month For seasons For the Father's love...