It's no secret

There are things in our family that we share as a family and things that my husband and I share with each other only. But one of those things that we share together is the fact that "Mama's not perfect." It's no secret that Mama's not perfect.

There is scarcely a day that goes by without me apologizing to one or more of my kids for quick, impatient words. I can't but help wonder sometimes how many counseling sessions they will have to go through in the future over their mama! I can almost hear those conversations in my head! "I know that my mom loved me, but...."

As I reflect on my own mom and her example of motherhood in my life, I realize that though she was not perfect, she has impacted my life like no other person except Jesus. A friend of mine asked me yesterday about my mom and what was it that made her special to me. "Mom made the ordinary into special moments." I replied. She created picnics in the living room on rainy nights, sleepovers in her room while Dad had to travel on business, sharing fries after school as we lamented over our homework, late evenings in our rooms as my sisters and I confessed all that was on our hearts. I know mom occasionally got impatient with us. I know she must have been frustrated at times that she had little time of her own. She sacrificed a good career to be at home with us, something that I know made the difference in our lives. But she made the ordinary special. She took those moments that could have passed by unnoticed into divine moments where she pursued our hearts and helped us love Jesus.

As I reflect on my own mothering and the choices I've made for my four kids, I too hope I can do the same for my kids. Though it's no secret that Mama's not perfect, it is also no secret that their Mama loves them. As I reread Proverbs 31 this morning, I laughed aloud at the description of the virtuous woman. Boy, I know I sure have a long way to go, but I do desire that I can be that for my husband, my kids, and those around me. The virtuous woman lived her life in way that she was a blessing to others.

Father, give me the grace to love my husband, kids, and people you've placed in my life, well. Help me to release me failures to You, to look to You in trust, anticipating that you can and will weave all of this into a beautiful design. Thank you that my imperfections and mistakes highlight my dependency on You. I choose to trust You.


  1. Father, help me too to release my failures to You!
    Thanks Jenn for these thoughts. I was just talking with the Father this week about trusting Him again to "parent" my kids for me, and then to use me if He wanted! ...cuz I don't have any idea what I am doing!! :) He assured me, somewhere deep inside, that He has them covered and yes, He would like to use me to help Him parent them! :) This Mama ain't perfect either!!!

  2. Jenn, I think those are great things that you remember about your Mom! I believe your kids will say similar things about you when they are older. They will remember their Mom as being there for them and loving them for who they are. From my view, you are one of the moms I most admire!


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