Peace comes through worship.... Advent Day 14

We wash dishes, my son and I. The best conversations happen in the kitchen where we don't have to look eye to eye with each other.

It's something I have learned having three sons.

Do you ever wonder... I start out.

If it's worth it all this? Living cross-culturally, serving others, experiencing change often, and even getting sick....  he finishes. Someone's been thinking.

Is it worth it? 

I sit in our international fellowship this morning. This gathering of people from different parts of the globe all serving here in our city. I am moved by the thought of the stories represented by the lives of these people. How would they answer this question?

We all start out fairly idealistic. Thoughts of changing the world, bringing light, helping the poor, loving the marginalized capture our imagination and the possibilities are endless. I did not expect the life change God would do in me. The rough edges that would need sanding off, (and continue to need it), the darkness of my own heart that would need His loving light to expose. The places of neediness in my life where I still need the gospel for. I'm not sure what outward fruit all these years have held, but I'm certain that God is bearing fruit in my own life, and I'm certain He is bearing fruit in yours, too.

God is worth it. Worth all our life.
If we had more to give He would be worth that, too.

It's not that God demands our obedience, or even our worship.
Worship is our response to this beckoning, this call to relationship.

He awakens our senses and ignites our hearts to know Him. It's what we were made to do. 

When hard things hit, we choose worship.

We stand in awe of the One who loves us so. My husband texts me this morning. That's my "good morning". A call to worship.

This third week of Advent focuses on Peace. God Himself brought peace to us through Jesus. This peace is ours in every season. Peace that rests not on circumstances, that like joy, can only be cultivated in our lives through worship. 

I stenciled John 14:27 on our wall this summer. I can hardly believe how timely these words are for our family this Advent season.

 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid." 

I answer my son, Yes, He's worth it. 

And in times where it feels like it's not, we remember God's promise that He's given us His peace through the presence of His Holy Spirit in our lives.

an invitation to come away by J 


  1. Yes its worth it Jenn, for the years you and your whole family has been a living testimony for me and my family. You would not be the person you are today if you did not walk this path.


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